Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Tumblr is gone, so this site will have to do.

I've been having fantasies lately. Fantasies that, for once, made me feel like the stereotypical teen girl I know I'm not.

Take this, for example:

I'm in the living room of a small apartment. I have a soft smile on my face, I have a drink in my hand. Then, out of nowhere, an arm is wrapped around my shoulder, and I'm pulled close. I look up, and there she is-- who and what she is always changes, but it's always.. amorous. Girlfriend, Wife, even a term nondescript like 'lover' could land. She's taller than me, that part never changes. To the point where I have to get up on the tips of my feet to kiss her. I'm not short, so I'm not sure how tall she would have to be for that to apply.

I set my drink down on the nearby table, and I sigh softly as she wraps her spare hand around my waist, gently swaying us both to the music that I didn't quite notice before. In a few moments, we're dancing. Gentle, slow dancing to a beat I can't quite remember. I don't need to say anything for my feelings to be understood. I just need to wrap myself in her arms, and set my head on her shoulder.

Sometimes, I'm crying. Happy crying. Tears streaking down my face but I'm laughing crying. 'I'm so glad to be here in this moment with you' crying. But that's not saying much, I cry a lot lately.

I always get interrupted before I can finish the fantasy, but I always imagine that I'd get up on the tips of my toes, pull her in for a kiss, and tell her that I love her. I probably said it so much that day that it doesn't mean much anymore, but I can't help but say it whenever I can.

It's nice to think like that.

I have more, but I don't think I'm quite in the mood for any more writing.

Thank you for reading, whoever you are.

Go kiss someone you love.